Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another over the hump day

The over-the-hump days come so rapidly these days. The weeks are flying. It's March 21, the first day of spring. The first quarter of 2007 is nearly done.

I remember when I was a child the weeks seemed to drag out for so impossibly long times. But those days probably ticked off as rapidly for older folks then as they do for me now. Must be because I'm so "busy."

Mom and Dad say they don't call me because they know I'm "busy." I keep telling them I'll always have "busy" work to keep my hands "busy." But the thing about busy work is that it can be set aside when I have something important to helping my parents when they need me. They don't call very often. And I'm going to start inviting them to dinner at our house at least once a week. They came for birthday cake last week when the twins turned 20. My babies. Who grew up way too fast. In fact, I can't figure out how time flew so quickly.

Anyway, my parents came for birthday cake for the girls, and they were so tickled to be here. So I'll have them to dinner a couple of times a week. With warmer weather coming, I want to cook out on the grill. Looks like we'll be able to afford to fill the propane tank for the grill this spring. YES! I think we'll use the patio a lot this year. Hm. We'll need a new picnic table, too.

The days don't drift. They fly by. We need to take advantage of the time we have while we have it because the day will come when time runs out and Mom and Dad will be gone. We won't be able to go back and retrieve it. I don't want to wait until they are gone to appreciate them.

Besides, Mom perks up when she has visits with family. I think that helps her.

Onward with the day.

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