Monday, June 18, 2007

New strides ~ New hope

I stopped to visit my parents last night. Dad asked if Mom had shown me the paper they got in the mail about Alzheimer's. It's actually a publication called AARP Bulletin. The June 2007 issue features an exclusive report on Alzheimer's and the new drugs that offer real hope for reversing the disease. Mom wants to get in on the clinical trials. So I brought home the publication and I'm going to do an online search for more information.

It makes sense that Mom would want to do this. She was one of the early successes for restoring hearing through a particular kind of surgery for otosclerosis. And Dad was an early success for hip joint replacement surgery, and later on, for drugs that improve quality of life and comfort for people with emphysema. So, her request to get in on the clinicals makes sense to me. If there's a chance for her to get back her memories and live out the rest of her life with her excellent brain restored, well, we're going to do it.

Interesting? Are you interested, too? Phone: 1-800-438-4380 (Government's Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center to find out about clinical trials and studies in your area), (help to locate studies and answer questions about them) and to access information about the Alzheimer's Association, trials information and more about the disease.

Good luck!!


Ari said...

I wish your family the best of luck as well! Another form of therapy that I have been looking into, which would work in with the drugs, is a brain fitness program. I have started using one by a company called Posit Science, It is backed up by some truly legitimate scientific data and has been extremely helpful. It targets specific areas of the brain and specific functions. They have another information site, which also has alot of information on the brain, related problems and treatments. Once again I wish you guys the best of luck and hope that you found this helpful.
Take Care

Claire Douglass said...

For those who want to become Champions for Alzheimer's research and caregivers, the Alzheimer's Association has a new site: - it's worth a gander. Also, it's Memory Walk season! Which is a fun way to be engaged: