Monday, May 14, 2007

I can still drive

Uh, no, Mom. You can't. You had that stroke and still have trouble with your leg.

But I still know my way around.

But your reaction time is much slower than it used to be and there are a lot of crazy drivers out there.

Silence. Crochet hook working.

Guilt. Sadness.

But in a few minutes we've moved on to something else. And I know it's OK. And when I leave her house she will still say, "I love you, honey, and I wouldn't trade you for anything."

A couple of weeks ago she said to me, "Did you say you have a grandbaby to rock?"

I didn't, but I do have a grandbaby to rock. So, she gave me an afghan that she'd crocheted in white, pink and blue. I brought it home, treasuring its simplicity because at least Mom is still crocheting!

A couple of nights ago she said, "Do you have a grandbaby who needs an 'afigan'?" She gave me another blanket, this one white, red and blue to give to my daughter whose baby is five months old.

I was heartened when I went into her house that evening. She was crocheting with size 30 crochet thread. "I haven't worked with this for awhile," she said with a smile. And every time she says, "Your dad doesn't like me to crochet," I tell her, "It's OK. I told him it's OK for you to crochet as much as you want."

The morning was beautiful this morning, but the clouds have rolled in this afternoon. I don't know if it will rain. But I know that we still have Mom, for the most part. And I'm going to take these articles I printed from the Internet so she and Dad can read them. There are strides being met and my prayers are that the answers will come soon...for our family and everyone else's who is struggling with memory impairment.

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