Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring...and thoughts turn to...

Joyce sent me an e-mail: "I saw this and thought of you." "This" was the submission guidelines for the Cup of Comfort anthology about Alzheimer's. I decided on the spot that I need to write about it, especially when I began to write my response to her. Yes. I have to submit, even if it isn't accepted. I'm not sure what it pays, but a lot of folks will probably buy that anthology because there is so much AD.

Late March saw a wonderful couple of weeks of nice, warm weather. I am sure I'm not the only one who knew it was too early to expect that weather to stay. And, it didn't. But yesterday the thermometer rose to the low 70s again after three weeks or so of wind and snow and rain. And the same forecast of warm weather holds through the entire weekend and into the the new week. I'll take it!!!

My home office is a small room just off of the master bedroom. There is a window behind my desk that allows the light to wash this room. I can see the broad expanse that is the sky. It's blue and cloudless this morning. And the sun, rising in the east, is casting it's welcome warmth and brightness against the homes and garages and gardens. It's a feel good kind of day. One of those days when I feel carefree and energetic...and hope that I shouldn't be looking over my shoulder for another shoe to drop. Seems like a day that I should get Mom outdoors for a walk, and putter around in the flower beds.

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